Picture of Brian Desmond

Brian Desmond

Brian is a principal at Ravenswood Technology Group where he leads a team of professionals focused on delivering best-in-breed consulting services for the Microsoft security and identity management ecosystem. Brian has been recognized annually as a Microsoft MVP since 2003 and is the author of the fourth and fifth editions of Active Directory from O'Reilly.

TEC Talk: Hardening Privileged AD Access

[WEBINAR] TEC Talk: Hardening Privileged Access In this webinar, Brian Desmond from Ravenswood Technology Group discusses the steps you can take to secure privileged Active

10 Quick Hybrid Identity Wins

[WEBINAR] 10 Quick Identity Wins with Entra ID Whether you currently use Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) Premium or you’re thinking about it, having

Active Directory Replication In Depth

[ARTICLE] Active Directory Replication In Depth In this article for ITProToday, Brain Desmond from Ravenswood Technology Group  helps you gain a deeper understanding of exactly

10 Quick Hybrid Identity Wins

[WEBINAR] 10 Quick Hybrid Identity Wins In this recorded session for TEC (The Experts Conference by Quest), Brian Desmond from Ravenswood Technology Group discusses the

Delegating Privileges in Active Directory

[ARTICLE] Delegating Privileges in Active Directory One of the key benefits of Active Directory (AD) is the ability to delegate privileges on an extremely granular

Protect Your Business with Entra Identity Protection

Ensuring that your user identities are protected from modern attack vectors such as phishing schemes and credential leaks should be a critical part of your enterprise security strategy. When attackers gain access to a